Stage bruises on the body, you should know

Stage bruises on the body, you should know

Many people always think bruises that can occur in the physical climb towing resulted from a collision with something or is injured. In fact, it was not towing the wounded entirely, it could towed by damage to blood vessels or small vessels.

Have you ever wondered bruises on your body and it's a phase? If you want to know, please read the following interpretation:

Stage 1: The purple bruises

The first phase red blemishes and takes place immediately after blood vessels suffer damage. Bruising greater increase due to iron and oxygen higher.

Stage 2: blue bruises

This phase will appear when your blood begins to lose oxygen.

Phase 3: The purple bruises

Bruising blue and purple is virtually identical. But the difference in this stage of iron in your body starts producing red blood cells and change quickly after being injured.

Stage 4: green bruises

Bruising Green warns that you should treat it immediately. Your body begins to break down red blood cells and convert hemoglobin (hemoglobin) into the number of new chemicals.

Stage 5: yellow bruises

Bruising, yellow is the latest phase of the wounded. In this phase chemical called bilirubin (bilirubin) is converted by the Clip Bin (hemoglobin) to start producing yellow.
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